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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 3 of Metamorphosis

Well, I know I know, I promised not to write every day, but well I need it. Cos another surprise: -0.6kg (1.3lbs) this morning (55.1kg/121.2lbs). This is like the lowest I have been for at least a year. When I reach 52 kg mark, it will be the lowest in like 5 years I think... :)

DC was good today, but yet again, I tried to increase intensity - do it a little more energetic. There is still a LONG way for improvement of course, but today I was sweating like a pig on slaughter :) I can't say I like sweating (and even though Tracy is asking to start liking it), but I was never a much sweating type, so for me it is simply uncomfortable for now. But knowing that with that sweat the inches are going makes me like it a little more. But I have to say I will stick with this intensity without increasing for the next couple days, as I felt like dying by about 20 minute mark, and one of my legs started hurting a little - from all the jumping, I'm not sure. But I will take it easy. Joints and muscles have to get used to jumping.

MS was as excruciating as ever. It gets only slightly easier, but not really. I tried to concentrate on the movements, the angles, all the comments that Tracy gives to make all the exercises correct. And that paid off - one of the moves is actually much more difficult than I originally did it :) HAHA Found some more pain for myself :) But at least I am doing it correct. I still have problems with wrists - they hurt a lot, so I have to change their position often. But all in all, very fulfilling workout and I start to really love it. I was sweating even then (not like pig anymore, but still quite substantially...).

So, the diet is still kicking, and there is no way I'm gonna give up now after losing so much in water and bloating in just 2 days. I get invited to dinners, but I feel fine with that - I can just bring my doggie bag with my TA food and may be introduce others to the yummy pudding - it tastes delicious for anyone :) And so far I have no problems refusing to go to lunch with colleagues and so on - I have my food, my diet, and I am proud I am doing it. Though of course, this is only day 3, but I think I can do it. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Results of day 3: So far I lost about 1.4 kilos (around 3lbs) out of the max 7 I want to lose (and I know it would slow down starting tomoro or the day after - I am now losing a lot of liquids and bloating), I love the way I feel, I can FEEL I am lighter and slimmer when I touch my tummy, I get out of bed and right away feel smaller :) That's a great feeling. I feel energetic throughout the day and even have energy to still do some salsa in the evenings sometimes. Yey!


  1. It's okay that you write here every day, after all this is your blog and you may do anything you want here! I like your reports very much!
    Sounds great!!! What then? Another kilo minus tomorrow morning, eh?))
    I think it is better to do less repeats but to do the excersise right. Don't feel upset about that, Tracy is used to sport, it is her life, don't chace after her, do it in your own rythm.
    Take care of your leg. Jumping as well as jogging is a very traumatic kind of activity. There was a period of time in my life when I used to jog for almost 2 years every day. Siin I had bad problems with my ight knee. I didn't pay attention to it, just clenched my teeth, twisted elastic bandage around it and went jogging, until one day sitting on a sofa after 5 km marathone and taking a sock out of my toe I was horribly terrified by my nail falling out of a sock!!!It just fell off my toe!!! That was not funny! I said STOP! Many years passed but still I have this pain in my knee before the change of the weather, it is no good, I was stupid. I just want to say - listen to your body, don't stay deaf to its signs, it is much wiser than we are, so if you feel pain in your leg, probably it would be good to decrease loading? Or may be to have a more careful warming-up accentuating your problem leg?
    "Doggie bag" - ha-ha))))))))))))))))))
    OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!! OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!OF COURSE YOU CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    About sweating...Theer's a funny monologue produced by Renata litvinova in one of the movies, I'll reproduce it in Russian, sorry, it won't sound funny in English:
    Тощенькая Литвинова (своим инопланетянским голосом): "Ну вот я чувствую, что совсем разжирелааа...Решила пойти на фиитнес. Прихожу, а там все такие потныееее...Фу! (закатывает глаза)Я говорю - "У вас есть что-нибудь, чтобы не потеть?" А она так посмотрела на меня, так посмотрела, ну ты понимаешь, и говорит: Есть! Шахматы!!!))))

  2. what then? i think from now on i would not loose as much... its simply impossible. in the beginning - yeah may be it is fast, but then, i don't even have that much :)))) so i think after today it will become slower and harder to loose weight, but oh well. my main thing is the inches :)

    i listened to you, and try to do it better today. but you know i am a whim, as soon as i have something hurting, i stop :) that's how i have always been, so i am not going to put any more strain on my leg. i'm gonna reduce jumping on that leg (and already started doing it today) and wait till it gets better.

    funny about sweat :) i think i even heard that :))))
